One of the stupidest and most ineffectual ideas is the one about requiring background checks on ammo purchases or limits on amounts purchased
wow ... i guess had you read your own citation you would have known no one but right wing nuts have even talked about it and then you concluded Democrats are at fault???
The article almost made me jump into the car and run down to my local gun store, Pig Supply, and buy all the zombie rounds i could in fear that not only Democrats are out to get me but maybe zombies are dead and coming to get me ... fear ... what a motivator
Let's see ... I need 100k rounds to protect me from the statistically negligent sole intruder in my home or car ... or perhaps I need all those rounds to say what about a tyrannical government? am I going to assault a federal building with .22 rimfires ... what exactly am I going to do? just keep buying rounds as long as the fear mongers continue to feed on my paranoia
living in fear :: musical group name, title of a book, a painting, a song, mantra of the extremist right wing