Originally Posted by Ardy
Every one knows that if your are darned detirmed to kill someone/something... a knife is as good as a gun. And fortunmately, there is no supply shortage of knives, or even any proposed regulation.

And so we can be assured that the mayhem will continue... with or without ammunition. And, actually, squirrel hunting is a more enjoyable challenge using a knife.... doncha think? I think the easy availability of guns has significantly degraded the sport... at least for true affectionados.
I caught and killed a Spruce Grouse barehanded one time, and et it (I cooked it first). It felt pretty cavemanish, it did.

Got one with a rock or a stick mor'n oncet... reckon that makes me a true affectionado.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller