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Every one knows that if your are darned detirmed to kill someone/something... a knife is as good as a gun. And fortunmately, there is no supply shortage of knives, or even any proposed regulation.
And so we can be assured that the mayhem will continue... with or without ammunition. And, actually, squirrel hunting is a more enjoyable challenge using a knife.... doncha think? I think the easy availability of guns has significantly degraded the sport... at least for true affectionados.
"It's not a lie if you believe it." -- George Costanza The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. --Bertrand Russel
Every one knows that if your are darned detirmed to kill someone/something... a knife is as good as a gun. And fortunmately, there is no supply shortage of knives, or even any proposed regulation.
And so we can be assured that the mayhem will continue... with or without ammunition. And, actually, squirrel hunting is a more enjoyable challenge using a knife.... doncha think? I think the easy availability of guns has significantly degraded the sport... at least for true affectionados.
I caught and killed a Spruce Grouse barehanded one time, and et it (I cooked it first). It felt pretty cavemanish, it did.
Got one with a rock or a stick mor'n oncet... reckon that makes me a true affectionado.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
Every one knows that if your are darned detirmed to kill someone/something... a knife is as good as a gun. And fortunmately, there is no supply shortage of knives, or even any proposed regulation.
And so we can be assured that the mayhem will continue... with or without ammunition. And, actually, squirrel hunting is a more enjoyable challenge using a knife.... doncha think? I think the easy availability of guns has significantly degraded the sport... at least for true affectionados.
sure, you can talk to god, but if you don't listen then what's the use? so, onward through the fog!
I have not heard about any Democratic Congressmen, Governers, State Assemblymen, etc. proposing restrictions on normal retail ammo sales.
From the article: "Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., has introduced legislation that would effectively ban online sales of ammunition, would require ammunition sellers to have a license, and to report to federal authorities the sale of more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition to a single person."
California lawmaker introduces gun ammunition-control bill "Skinner's proposal seeks to: - Require ammunition dealers to be licensed - Buyers must present identification - All sales are to be reported to the California Department of Justice with local law enforcement notified when transactions involve large quantities
"U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., said Tuesday he plans to introduce a bill later this month that would require instant background checks for the sale of bullets. He also said the bill is only the first gun-control proposal he aims to introduce "in the coming weeks and months.""
"Under the legislation, New York will ... run instant background checks on all ammunition purchases at the time of sale. The legislation will allow authorities to track ammunition purchases in real time to alert law enforcement to high volume buys,..."
"Ammunition purchasers will soon submit to background checks under a sweeping set of new gun laws adopted Tuesday by state lawmakers.
Both sides of the debate expect the requirement to drastically impact firearms dealers.
The state Assembly approved the massive bill — which immediately institutes outright bans on freshly redefined assault weapons — in a party-line and geographic vote Tuesday."
"The 113th Congress has already brought pointed action on gun control, with the introduction of two bills to amend U.S. firearm laws. One bill proposed by Democratic Reps. Carolyn McCarthy of New York and Diana DeGette of Colorado would ban the sale of ammunition online.
... McCarthy’s legislation would require anyone selling ammunition to be a licensed dealer and any buyer to present photo identification at the time of purchase, effectively eliminating online and mail-order sales. Dealers would also be required to report any purchase of more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition to law enforcement."
"The proposals would, among other actions, regulate and tax ammunition sales and end the "grandfathering" of weapons that are now illegal to purchase but still legal to possess."
Yours, Issodhos
I see nothing in these bills that restricts amounts of ammunition that can be bought-just backround checks and proper ID. As it should be to prevent Felons from purchasing these items-which is already law. It should be amended to include mental health checks as well.
milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)
Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.
[quote=pondering_it_all]Like I said: Nothing to interfere with normal retail ammo sales. If there is actually someplace that lets you buy thousands of rounds without presenting ID, or even proof that you are an adult, then that crap has to stop RIGHT NOW.
Oh goodnes, PIA, tap-dance all you want, but, in the end, you will still be as wrong as you were when you made your erroneous claim regardless of how you may now wish to redefine "normal retail ammo sales". And, what you think should stop RIGHT NOW", hasn't got squat to do with it. Yours in good humor, Issodhos
If there is anyone doing tap-dancing on this thread, it would be you. We might as well call you Fred Astaire.
milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)
Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.
I think that this run on ammunition is an opportunistic ploy to gouge buyers by spreading the rumor that the "gubmint is out to take yer guns and ammo". It works the same way s when gasoline sellers, home improvement stores and grocery stores jack up the prices of fuel, plywood, water and canned goods preceding an encroaching hurricane. Shipping or hiding the ammo back to the warehouse makes it look like there is a shortage, creating even more fear. That way the store can raise prices and the customer pays whatever is asked in a panic.
There has been no legislation proposed to take away any ammunition. Just to require backround checks-and that should be for all sales. Private sales should be conducted through licensed gun sellers-and sales at gun shows should require universal backround checks and a 15 day waiting period as well.
milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)
Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.
If there is anyone doing tap-dancing on this thread, it would be you. We might as well call you Fred Astaire.
I stated: "I think Democrats should be given a percentage of all sales exceeding the annual average as reward for their stellar efforts at threatening gun owners into panick-buying guns and ammo."
PIA stated: "I have not heard about any Democratic Congressmen, Governers, State Assemblymen, etc. proposing restrictions on normal retail ammo sales."
I provided him with 7 quick examples of what he had "not heard", each of which refuted his claim.
Your remarks have nothing to do with that, Scoutgal.
"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos
If there is anyone doing tap-dancing on this thread, it would be you. We might as well call you Fred Astaire.
I stated: "I think Democrats should be given a percentage of all sales exceeding the annual average as reward for their stellar efforts at threatening gun owners into panick-buying guns and ammo."
PIA stated: "I have not heard about any Democratic Congressmen, Governers, State Assemblymen, etc. proposing restrictions on normal retail ammo sales."
I provided him with 7 quick examples of what he had "not heard", each of which refuted his claim.
Your remarks have nothing to do with that, Scoutgal.
Iss~It is your links that have nothing to do with the subject of your thread. The links you listed do not purport to take away ammo. They do propose backround checks. So I am sorry, but now you are tap-dancing as much as the Rockettes.
milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)
Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.
Iss~It is your links that have nothing to do with the subject of your thread. The links you listed do not purport to take away ammo. They do propose backround checks. So I am sorry, but now you are tap-dancing as much as the Rockettes.
The links were in response to PIA's remark. "Taking away ammo" is your creation, not mine.
Once more (with emphasis added):
I stated: "I think Democrats should be given a percentage of all sales exceeding the annual average as reward for their stellar efforts at threatening gun owners into panick-buying guns and ammo."
PIA stated: "I have not heard about any Democratic Congressmen, Governers, State Assemblymen, etc. proposing restrictions on normal retail ammo sales."
I provided him with 7 quick examples of what he had "not heard", each of which refuted his claim.
I am quite sure that you have no idea what a normal retail ammo sale is. I do. In most, if not all, of America it does not involve background checks. It does not involve providing the state the names of purchasers of ammo. No matter how much you try to dance around it, that is a fact. Yours, Issodhos
"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos
I think that the thrust of the argument was that Democrats were inducing the panic, and that is patently untrue. To "dance around" that fundamental fault it is necessary to change the import of the claim rather than withdraw it, as it ever is. Why-oh-why would gun dealers of all people want to create a panic about the lack of ammunition, huh?
A well reasoned argument is like a diamond: impervious to corruption and crystal clear - and infinitely rarer.
Here, as elsewhere, people are outraged at what feels like a rigged game -- an economy that won't respond, a democracy that won't listen, and a financial sector that holds all the cards. - Robert Reich