Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
When I shoot at the range, I generally buy a "brick" of whatever ammunition I am going to use on the range. I expend it there and then, but keep a box of 50-100 rounds available for the weapon at home (I use different rounds, so I usually have at least two kinds, ball and hollowpoint). I rotate that stock by shooting up what is at home, then replentishing the box at home from what I bought for the range. I do not, however, stockpile ammunition at home, so I would never have 1000 rounds of anything for more than a day or two. This shortage is quite typical of such shortages - it is temporary, and limited (usually geographically). It is also self-perpetuating. Manufacturers, however, report a significant increase in production.

Well, I guess that means that those folks who have maintained an adequate supply can ride out the temporary shortage of popular cartridges and reloading supplies without having to give up the occassional day of shooting. By the way, I have recently used and currently have Remington .22 rimfire ammo that was produced about 35 years ago. It ain't milk, so rotating ain't all that necessary, NWP. :-)

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos