Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
While the "don't bring a knife to a gunfight" meme is fun and all, it elides a couple of very important points - nobody died from the knife wounds (although, admittedly, they could have); and I wonder why he didn't buy a gun? Imagine if he had purchased a .223 caliber, semi-auto Bushmaster AR-style weapon, and half-a-dozen 30-round magazines, or a 100-round drum magazine? Instead of being posted on a website, or page 13 of the local paper, it would have been the lead story on every network and front page above-the-fold in every newspaper. Dozens of citizens, probably including the well-meaning gun-toting bystander (assuming he stuck around despite the odds), would be dead, and Congress would be contemplating and not passing any meaningful gun regulation for the umpteenth time, as it has for the dozens of previous such incidents in the last few decades.

But what if there had been two guys with machetes...what if the guy who had a knife also had a doberman on a leash...what if, what if, what is. None of what you posted NW happened.

What did happen is a man went berserk and began stabbing people. A man with a legal gun, who was legally carrying, did the right thing, at the right time. Ain't no shoulda, coulda, woulda. A man was able to stop the threat before it became worse. The man, using a gun, stopped the threat without firing his weapon.

The first responder is usually a private citizen.


You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.