Originally Posted by Ardy
I do not advocate banning guns

I do question whether this guy needed an arsenal to do this?

How much is "an arsenal"? You seem to be suggesting that everyone should be limited to possessing one or two firearms.

I don't know how many guns the good samaritan in the OP owns. It isn't relevant. I'm betting no one at the grocery stores gives a damn how many guns the man owns.

Did he require a thirty round clip?


Assuming he used stripper clips to load the magazine in his gun, no. Clips simply make loading the magazine/cylinder easier unless you are carrying a revolver that uses rimless cartridges, at which point you'd need Moon clips or the like to chamber a round.

If the guy was carrying a semi-auto with a 30 round magazine (and it is highly doubtful that he was) then he may have used a 30 round stripper clip to load the magazine. If the guy was carrying a revolver there is no way he would have used a 30 round clip to load the cylinder.

Was his intervention made possible because he did not pass a background check? Would a gun registration program have made this story impossible? On and on...

If this had happened in NYC or Chicago or Connecticut, it would have been difficult for an average citizen to be carrying a weapon in public.

IMO this guy could have had a registered 38 cal revolver with the same outcome. But it seems like only choice we can consider is either banning all guns or having no regulations what so ever. And IMO there must be some other alternatives to consider.

I don't know what type of gun the guy was carrying. I assume he was carrying concealed. Many people carry .38s concealed. When compared to semi-autos they are as reliable as the day is long. Often a snub nose .38 is easy to conceal. It is a decent round, but it doesn't have much stopping power. Everything is a trade off, no matter what you decide to use.

Depending on the weather and what the guy was wearing and where he was going and a number of other factors the man may have selected a .38 over his other carry options. Maybe he had a 9mm Kimber Solo, maybe he was carrying a .45 ACP Colt 1911, I don't know. It isn't a one size and style fits all kind of thing.

No matter the firearm the good guy was carrying, he didn't need a registered gun to save others from harm and possibly death. His choice of gun or the number of rounds available to him thankfully weren't an issue either, though they well could be in variants of the same situation.

It would be interesting to know what the guy was carrying and given his experience now whether he is comfortable with the carry gun he used or whether he plans to gun up, or down, in the future.


You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.