By the way, IMO there is some parallel between considerations involved in having your children vaccinated and public carry of firearms.

Any given parent can logically say that his child will be individually better off not to be vaccinated.... there is a risk to any vaccination no matter how small, and if everyone else is getting vaccinated, there is essentially minimal risk to remain unvaccinated since the child is still protected by "herd immunity" But if a large number of people make the same decision, suddenly herd immunity is gone and the risks for everyone is much larger.

Sam with choosing to arm yourself in public. Individually, it can make sense. You are more secure and ideally you make people around you safer as well. On the other hand, if everyone is carrying a weapon, then the public safety calculation changes. With so many guns around, the potentials for all sorts of emotional and or accidental gun related injuries skyrocket. If one person in a crowd is armed, he might act to protect many people. If everyone is armed, there is no added saftey from crime, but lots of added risk of being shot by someone who you inadvertently offended and/or is having a bad day. Or you could be a innocent bystander who is shot when two other people have an argument and pull out their weapons to settle the matter.

"It's not a lie if you believe it." -- George Costanza
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. --Bertrand Russel