Originally Posted by Ardy
Originally Posted by Slipped Mickey
Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Interestingly, most mass shootings (NEIS*), are stopped by unarmed bystanders.

*NEIS - not ending in suicide.

Well, yeah, after masses have been shot. Throw a human wave a one or two people with guns and the chances are sooner or later they'll be overwhelmed. I have no interest in being part of the human wave.

So Plan A is to stand there and get shot while hoping the shooter shoots everyone but you?

So this guy was clearly deranged
Would you say this circumstance is the most likely sort of reason that requires citizens to carry guns in public? Or if not the most likely need to carry, this reason in and of itself still is adequate justification to have citizens armed?


Who knows, maybe the grocery store refused to refund the guy for a carton of bad eggs. Shìt sets people off these days. I would prefer these people stab themselves in the eyes with a grapefruit spoon, but that doesn't appear to be an option.

Would the situation in the OP be justification to carry a gun? If your significant other or family member or friend was being gutted with a steak knife would you welcome someone with a gun who could stop the attack, or would you politely refuse the assistance?

When faced with this kind of situation damn near everyone is going to welcome someone with a gun to intercede. I don't recall ever reading where a victim shouted to a good samaritan with a gun, "No! Please use a non-violent method to make the attacker stop." I suppose given the choice between having someone with a gun respond would be your choice over having someone calmly ask the attacker to stop it.


You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.