Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
EDIT: I was able to track down the source of the photo. It is not from the Aurora theater, but from a theater in Fort Collins, CO.

Good job. But there was a sign posted at the Cinemark Theater in Aurora from all the reports I've read. And it was established policy of Cinemark not to permit guns in their theaters. And I'll take your word that the picture was from Ft. Collins, CO., but it was from a Cinemark Theater, no?

(The whole sign thing is a giant red herring anyway, as Holmes anticipated the possibility of armed resistance, wearing body armor - if he thought everyone was unarmed, why would he bother?)

He also dyed his hair Bozo orange. What was up with that? You may be looking for logic in a place where logic never lived.

Point is, until they release the information we won't know and we may never know what his motivations were. The guy was away with the fairies and I think we can all agree on that.

The Cinemark wasn't the theater closest to his house. They found pictures of another theater, including pictures of exit doors, on his cell phone. He chose the Cinemark. Why? The Cinemark was posted. How about other theaters in the area?

Did Holmes get into battle dress expecting to encounter opposition at the theater? We don't know? Was he expecting to eventually encounter police opposition? We don't know. In his Bozo brain was he Sgt. John Rambo; dressed for the role? We don't know. Was he taking precautions just as someone might wear a life jacket when canoeing? Just in case? The same reason people wear bicycle helmets? We don't know.

Sign thing a giant red herring? I don't know that. Who's red herring? Why?


You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.