Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
[quote=Slipped Mickey]Good job. But there was a sign posted at the Cinemark Theater in Aurora from all the reports I've read.
Here is my frustration, Mick: "All the reports I've read." What reports? What citations? Yes, there are many unsourced "reports" on gun forums that allege this, or that, or the other thing. It's a matter of selective "reading." How is someone to evaluate the veracity or credibility of a "report" if one is unwilling to reveal it?

Open carry patrons asked to leave Alaska Cinemark. The were politely informed that gun possession was against Cinemark policy.

You noted the Cinemark box office sign I posted previously.

John Lott in the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences reported that his investigation determined that Cinemark in Aurora was posted.

All information available to the public supports Aurora having posted prior to the murders. It was corporate policy. Other Cinemark theaters practiced Cinemark gun prohibitions. Here is a picture of a sign at the box office in Ft. Collins (according to you) that prohibits guns. What would a reasonable person conclude then regarding Cinemark Aurora having a posted sign?

Yet your selective reading completely ignores all of this. In fact, at one point you stated that Cinemark Aurora did not post a sign.

What we haven't been able to find it a direct statement from Cinemark regarding the signage at Aurora. Why? Litigation. Lawyers seeking to sue the hell out of the theater and make a pile of money will keep Cinemark on information lock down for years to come.

Where, NW, are your sources that prove Cinemark Aurora did not have a posted sign? What leads you to that conclusion?

(The whole sign thing is a giant red herring anyway, as Holmes anticipated the possibility of armed resistance, wearing body armor - if he thought everyone was unarmed, why would he bother?)
Originally Posted by Slipped Mickey
The Cinemark wasn't the theater closest to his house. They found pictures of another theater, including pictures of exit doors, on his cell phone. He chose the Cinemark. Why? The Cinemark was posted. How about other theaters in the area?

Again, selective reading. I know the source of this little nugget, too, but there is a very thorough analysis, in part based upon those very photos, which clearly explains the most plausible reason he picked this theater, and that it was the closest appropriate theater to his house: Lott’s assertion that Holmes bypassed the two “closest” theaters specifically to choose the Cinemark is also not particularly telling, given that the first was a smaller Hispanic-audience theater and the second a dinner theater.

Nor can we give much weight to the fact that Holmes ignored the “largest” theater in his immediate area. The lack of nearby parking and the constant flow of pedestrians, traffic, and armed patrols around all sides of the building would have made the Harkins a much riskier target.

ARMED PATROLS!!! Do you mean, hardened target???

The Cinemark Century 16, however, was a major theater close to home. It was known. The rear of the building was private and secluded, and Holmes could park just feet away from the theater’s emergency exit.

It was perfect.

Perfect soft target, no?

And then we get to selective reasoning: On the one hand, Micky, you want us to believe that Holmes was so selective about his choice of target that he was cognizant of the fine print on the bottom of a sign that may or may not have been there

I don't want you to believe anything. You are the one telling us that Holmes was meticulous and assessed another nearby theater and determined it too risky. He took pictures and surveyed parking and traffic, according to you. But, somehow, you believe, Holmes' attention to posted gun prohibition on box office windows would have been unreasonable. That's a rather, ahem, selective perspective, innit? wink

but then you want to dismiss any planning when the "Bozo brain" theory suits the argument, even when it is in the same sentence. Do you appreciate the inconsistency?

No, I don't appreciate the inconsistency. If anything Holme's behavior is inconsistent. At one moment he scouts possible targets, plans and even takes pictures. The next he dyes his hair baboon ass orange. You may want to read my post just above to reporter where I address the complexity of mental states.


You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.