Well I hear that Sandy, and I don't dispute it for a second, except for this one little detail. You didn't say "the Democrats" or "Congress" or "those eunuchs on Capitol Hill" or any such thing. You said "the candidates". Kucinich happens to be one of the candidates. He happens to be the one who has opposed the war since the beginning, who has spoken out consistently against it, who has consistently voted against funding it, who has spelled out a simple way to bring it to an end, who has introduced legislation delineating a plan for withdrawal - answering your specific complaint - and the one who has introduced Articles of Impeachment against Vice President Cheney.

So asking "how can the current group even consider running when they haven't given us a plan" is tantamount to asking "how can anyone except Dennis Kucinich be considered for the highest office in the land?" And BTW he addressed that very point as well, in response to Sen. Clinton's ill-advised remark about attacking Pakistan with nukes. "How can anyone consider her for the highest office in the land," he asked, "when she is willing to threaten to use nukes against another country that hasn't threatened us in any way?

Go Dennis!

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Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love,
to respect and be kind to one another,
so that we may grow with peace in mind.

(Native American prayer)