1815 - Napoleon arrived at Saint Helena for the beginning of his exile.

1915 - Charles F. Kettering of Detroit, MI patented the electric, automobile self-starter.

No kingdom has ever had as many civil wars as the kingdom of Christ.”
-- Montesquieu


a) false promises, faux safety, more lost lives
PResident Murray comes on Tee Vee everyday, and refuses to answer questions about previous mine problems and disasters, even in the same Utah mine.
THREE MORE MINORS DIED, trying, in vain to reach 6 dead.
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b) IraqNam
THe US (belatedly) admits two more US troops died on Wednesday. No explanation for the delay, other than trying to put lipstick on the face of a pig ugly surge. They refused to mention any Thursday casualties, even tho many mortars fell in the green zone, many bombs blew up in Baghdad, Basra, Anwar, etc.
Even the US now admits that perhaps 400 died in the Kurdish attack on a peaceful village. Other estimates are over 600. and you would believe who?
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c) Discount rate
Given the huge scare that passed through all financial sectors, you expected some action, even from the "academic, head in the clouds, Bush-based, closed-minded, deaf dumb and blind, Chairman Bernanke" but dropping the discount rate .50 points shows just how desperate he and pretty much everyone else is.
This is a pure, unabated, mindless, panic. 400 Billion have already been injected.
Watch for inflation to soar, at the same time as the financials continue to collapse. Too little too late, combined with throwing fuel at the fire and you have thousands of financial specialists losing their jobs this weekend, the consumer still stuck with no ability to get mortgages or equity loans, and a general market condition that has all eyes looking down and wondering how far.
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d) refinery problems
Watch gas prices to blossom like a turd as a mississippi refinery caught fire last night.
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e) more financial disasters and clusters of sexual activity
CountryWide managed to beg, borrow and steal 12 BILLION DOLLARS from banks, in an effort to keep its doors open.
No word on whether they were forced to remove those irritating, disgusting and misleading TeeVee Ads in exchange.

Last edited by agnostic; 08/17/07 03:00 PM.

"There was never a good war or a bad peace."

Benjamin Franklin