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I dreamed I moved among the Elysian fields, In converse with sweet women long since dead; And out of blossoms which that meadow yields I wove a garland for your living head. Danai, that was the vessel for a day Of golden Jove, I saw, and at her side, Whom Jove the Bull desired and bore away, Europa stood, and the Swan's featherless bride. All these were mortal women, yet all these Above the ground had had a god for guest; Freely I walked beside them and at ease, Addressing them, by them again addressed, And marvelled nothing, for remembering you, Wherefore I was among them well I knew.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos
If Elysium is anywhere near as good as District 9 it should be film of the year.
"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." (Philip K.Dick)
America's future, and I am betting it happens LONG before the year 2154. In fact I am betting it starts well within my lifetime. The first communities will be right here on Earth, because we will still be too stupid to stop them from extracting the corporate welfare from the taxpayer pockets.
The communities will be "sealed shut" and run by corporate governments. Some of them will claim that they are "going Galt" but the truth is, they're just wealth extractors hiding behind secure garden walls where they can't be touched.
Then when the technology catches up, they will make the ultimate offshore move of all time, to the orbiting space toroids, and that might indeed start happening in my lifetime as well.
Hopefully I'll be in a position where I can just watch and shake my head from a place where I don't have to give two shits.
If not, I guarantee you my last "act of office" before I die will make as many of them as I can get to mighty miserable.
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com
A hi-tech form of neo-feudalism consisting of three classes: the "elite", mandarin, and the rest of us. So much for what was once the American dream and land of opportunity. At any rate, I'm looking forward to seeing the movie.
A brief review I read states that the dystopian future setting is well set up however is wasted by the last 2 thirds of the film being action orientated.
Last edited by Schlack; 08/10/1307:25 AM.
"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." (Philip K.Dick)
As long as the movie's "message," or propaganda isn't too tedious, I can usually tolerate it. I'm more into the mindless entertainment without any socially redeeming significance. Give me a good action film- as long as there's some sort of plot, and I'm happily entertained. Sounds like Elysium is just my sort of Sci-Fi, although maybe too intellectual. thank you, sir.
As long as the movie's "message," or propaganda isn't too tedious, I can usually tolerate it. I'm more into the mindless entertainment without any socially redeeming significance. Give me a good action film- as long as there's some sort of plot, and I'm happily entertained. Sounds like Elysium is just my sort of Sci-Fi, although maybe too intellectual. thank you, sir.
Well then, you might like the action in mini-bursts as well, Joe. :-)
"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos