I was in Denver working a new restaurant opening back in the late 90s with my ex who worked for said restaurant company. We were in a gay bar near the Rockies baseball park and some drag queens invited us to go with them to a club in Boulder.

They were traveling via a Ryder rental truck. I kid you not! gobsmacked Just slightly after exiting the 25 and heading NW on 36, the Ryder truck pulled over on the side of the freeway shoulder. The back of the truck opens up and these drag queens go scurrying out into an open field off the side of the freeway - to take a pee.


We ended up in a re-purposed movie theater turned rave for the evening. (Hey! It was the late '90s!)

There I was tripping and having an x-cellent time ( wink ) and there was this str8 guy who was really cute that I was stalking. smile He called me over and said that I was "wrecking his vibe." I know! frown

...needless-to-say, it was a total buzz-kill. Hmm

Contrarian, extraordinaire