We too have our "northern"county problems.

Because once Jerry Brown agrees to let the counties succeed and Congress says, "OK, sure...whatever," the new state would undoubtedly become a utopia, with a population of 44,000, six towns with over 1000 people each, and a fairly decent tourist industry - which is clearly and obviously enough to support the state government of Galt’s Gulch without "taker" federal tax dollars just like other red states. Oh wait...what?!?

It would have two votes in the U.S. Senate, just like the 38 37.9999657 million people in the rest of California.

But they’d all be happy in their new paradise, at least until the decent freedom-loving citizens of Weed and Dunsmuir get tired of being dictated to by those TYRANTS! in Yreka, and vote to form the new state of Baja Siskiyou.

Contrarian, extraordinaire