Originally Posted by Ted Remington
I doubt very seriously that a large majority of the Tea Party faithful in Congress are invested in such contrary funds; I doubt very seriously that you can do prove what you said, and my main purpose is to point out to the casual readers of this site that they should take what you said cum grano salis. Remember, you are the one who said this was "fact."

And I've heard it coming from a great many different places.
My mistake was not grabbing a notepad or my tablet and writing down where I heard it.

Not idle chatter, not gossip, I was hearing the results of research. I didn't just make it up off the top of my head.
In fact, my head jerked around and my mouth said something like, "you have GOT to be kidding me."

I suddenly realized that, as Rick also says, it made perfect sense. A lot of banksters on Wall Street have been doing it for years.
Eric Cantor IS a multimillionaire. Ted, it might surprise you to learn that MOST of these guys are.
This is how some of them BECAME multimillionaires, the banksters on Wall Street are their friends, role models and mentors.

Why am I supposed to just take your word on faith that you "doubt very seriously that a large majority of the Tea Party faithful in Congress are invested in such contrary funds"?

You doubt that I can prove it? Fair enough, give me some more time. I might just surprise you, because if I've heard it once, I've heard it a dozen times and, each time I heard it, I shook my head in disbelief and then I realized that it makes perfect sense.

Wealthy crooks with a sense of hubris enabled self righteousness and a religious profile that speaks of "God's Bankers bringing Jesus back before the final grand transfer of end times wealth" are probably the kind of people who think nothing of betting on a national debt default, just as Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints think nothing of signing twelve wives and seventy one kids on welfare to "bleed the beast".

It's unbelievable, but it makes perfect sense, once you get over the initial shock.
It may take me a while but I promise you, I am going to track down the rest of the folks who are invested in credit default swaps on the national debt.

Thank you, Doubting Ted.
Like Doubting Thomas, you have inspired me.

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