Well, that was enlightening.
This is the web site to which the article above refers.
If you click on the 2009 "profile" as put together by OpenSecrets you will find the list I reproduced above.
And if you look at the profiles for the following years, 2010 and 2011, you will also find the shares listed.
Just below the profiles on that page, though, you find "Images", which cite to PDF files of Cantor's disclosure statements. The 2009 one shows the ProShares, as do the 2010 and 2011 disclosure forms. The 2009 form reveals that the asset was purchased during that calendar year.
But the 2012 form, filed May 15, 2013 reveals that those shares have now been sold. The date of sale, which would have been during CY 2012, is not disclosed, but since the stock was in steady decline over the years of his ownership you can rest assured it was at a loss.
So, really, the whole thing is moot as far as Cantor goes.