WHOA! It ain't my fact, Jeff.

See above:

"I do my research as quickly and as lazily as I can while still trying to ensure that I am right."

As to checking opensecrets.org, Cantor had 125 or so investments. Someone had to look awfully hard to find that one (IF it is only one) contrarian fund in Cantor's portfolio. Had I looked at the list I would have had no idea that particular stock was a contrarian holding. Someone else shot that bear.

There are what, about 40 or 50 members of the core that holds the GOP House hostage? If each one has 100 different investments that's four to five thousand line items to check, who knows how many of which fit into the doomsday sort of scenario under discussion.

I have difficulty when someone presents such a controversial and damning "fact" without any proof. Hearing something over and over does not make that something true. If it did, Obama really would have been born in Africa, the 9-11 hijackers would all have been CIA employees, it would have been a missile rather than a planeload of people that hit the Pentagon, etc., etc. Oh yeah, and Ted Cruz would be an American citizen.

Take the nacilbupeR pledge: I solemnly swear that I will help back out all Republicans at the next election.