Ron Jeremy, Jenna Jameson - get ready to stand and be counted.
The Department of Justice wants to come up with an official list of every porn star in America - and slap stiff penalties on producers who don't cooperate.
The new rules, proposed under the Adam Walsh Child Safety and Protection Act, would require blue-movie makers to keep photos, stage names, professional names, maiden names, aliases, nicknames and ages on file for the inspection of the department's Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section.
"The identity of every performer is critical to determining and ensuring that no performer is a minor," according to the new proposal.
The adult film industry plans to challenge the new rule as a violation of the First Amendment, said Paul Cambria, a lawyer for Hustler and other adult film companies.

New York Post

While I am not a fan of the Porn industry, I am less of a fan of a Moral Fascist Regime intent on registering anyone who has not committed a crime.

"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."~Patrick Henry