Originally Posted by Ardy
The discussion seems a bit off topic, but then there was not much to the topic to begin with

That said, the so called "neo-conservative propaganda machine" did not sell the invasion of Iraq as an exercise in nation building, nor as a means to make the world safe for democracy. The war was clearly promoted on exactly the grounds that you deny-- that Iraq presented a threat to our nation because of WMD and the regime's supposed involvement involvement with terrorism.

FIrst, Ardy, this is not my thread. Second, I did not inject this topic into this thread. Third, I never denied that the Iraq invasion was promoted based on the claim that Saddam had WMD or the claim that they were a threat to us. Fourth, in politics, it is not unusual for what is used to "promote" an action to not necessarily be the underlying reason for wanting to implement the action. Fifth, because Democrats like to convince themselves that they are smart and Republicans are stupid, Dems tend to fall into the trap of believing that members of the Bush administration and other cheerleaders of the invasion were stupid enough to actually believe their own promotional activities. But, then, perhaps you are simply expressing what your beliefs were at the time of the lead-up to the invasion. Did you really buy into the promotion, Ardy, or did you recognize it for the BS that it was? Just mildly curious. coffee

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos