I don't think wealth redistribution is necessarily the answer. What about a system in which workers "displace themselves" by training a robot to do their job. They would own the robot, so they would be entitled to the bulk of its income (paid by the factory owner, corporation, or co-op). They could finance the original purchase, pay for upgrades and reprogramming, or maybe become skilled enough in robot maintenance to be able to do that themselves. An especially skilled robot trainer could find advancement by adding more robots to his or her cohort and just clone the programming. Heirs could learn robot management from their parent, inherit their parents robots (and those robot's "employment" contracts), etc.

Robots are owned objects just like our other tools, but nothing says only the 1% should own them. This will be quite a bit more obvious when everybody has self-driving cars. Why not let your self-driving car be directed by something like a cab company while you are not using it?