Would You Feel Differently About Snowden, Greenwald, and Assange If You Knew What They Really Thought?
I got as far as, "When the changes he (SNOWDEN) had hoped for didn’t arrive, he became bitterly disillusioned. “[I] watched as Obama advanced the very policies that I thought would be reined in,” Snowden later told The Guardian. “I got hardened.” and had to stop and catch my breath.
I do intend to read the rest of the article but statements like that belie a stunning naivete, and an almost childish view of government and, more importantly, the private forces today which have been acting on government.
Indeed, before I continue I will have to remind myself that Snowden spent nearly a decade in service to the US intelligence community, nearly half of it for private entities which profit from global chaos as their meal ticket.
---Okay finished it, and my gorge is becoming buoyant in my craw.
I have to ask myself, did this computer whiz kid get the bulk of his prior knowledge of the ways of the world solely through an Xbox console?
Apparently it's important to actually FINISH one's secondary education, and one might think outfits like BAH, CIA and NSA would see the need, considering Snowden's monstrous gap in world history and civics.
He seems to think exactly like a tea bagger, expecting a president to have the ability to create law as he speaks it from his mouth.
Greenwald comes off as nothing more than a spoiled peckerwood with a law degree and Assange also displays a stunning gap in his knowledge about how governments, ANY governments, work.
And all three seem to miss the entire notion that the corporate estate possesses far more wealth and power than all the world's governments put together. The only thing that they don't have (yet) is the armaments.
(Don't worry, they're working on that.)
Just remember folks, the world, to a great extent, both government and corporate, is being run by the kids you knew in high school, and some who dropped out before you graduated.