Originally Posted by keysersoze
Originally Posted by logtroll
Originally Posted by keysersoze
Soccer is a great sport for young kids to play until they get old enough to pick a real sport.
Ah, yes, sports. Another fine form of masturbation. Builds characters, good for the non-productive economy. Lets folks practice taking vehement sides over trivial matters and gambling on the evanescent outcomes. There is so much to be learned from sports.

Makes me wonder... which is more real - Reality TV, or Sports?

At least it presents more value than your comment. LOL!

The arrogance shown in this comment is eye rolling. rolleyes Soccer(Fussball) has been around as a sport a lot longer than football(American), basketball or baseball, or even hockey. It IS a true sport, and I defy you to play as long as some of the soccer players do. Only hockey and basketball require as much endurance(team sport-wise), and hockey lines change every five or so minutes. You can pull your foot out of your mouth now.

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.