Originally Posted by california rick
This afternoon in Murrietta, California, buses carrying migrant families were rerouted to a US-Mexican border station after being blocked by protesters waving American flags in Murrieta, California near San Diego.

The protesters, some yelling, "They're not born here!" and "Go back to Mexico!" stood in the street, blocking the buses as they were headed to the suburban border patrol station in Murrieta.

People around the world saw this which confirmed for them that, indeed, there really are Ugly Americans.

Who the hell cares what "people around the world think? They do not have to house, feed and cure these criminals. They are not crossing illegally into their country and they are not using resources that should be dedicated to Americans.

It's not like these brown babies are going to rape, murder, rape-murder, and rape-murder-throw-you-in-a-ditch! Time to get guns America! Brown babies coming atcha!

Listen up, "Health" and "Human" "Services" jerks, the good people of Murrieta, CA don’t want you putting the brown babies in baby jail. Oh, wait, let me clarify: they don’t want you putting the brown babies in baby jail in their town.

Once again, a liberal in the wrong uses the race card to deflect the truth. It has nothing to do with color, or race, or any of the other liberal canards thrown about by the left. They do not belong here, they do not contribute to any community, state or region. They are freeloaders and should be brought back to Mexico as soon as possible.

A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson