Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Welcome back MA. Someone I can vehemently disagree with! If you think it is not about race, you're not thinking it through. Nor, by the way, are migrant workers displacing American workers. I have not seen these protests concerning European workers, has anyone (since, say, 1922)? No, they have brown skin. It is possible, if one intellectualizes it (as Ma does here), to place it in another context, to create a semblance of a balanced, rational genesis. But, that is to distort reality. The reason for the protests is as Rick described, and the motivation of the protesters is race. It doesn't take a "liberal" to make it about race, it started there.

I am not back, I lurk every once in a while until I read some liberal nonsense I can't not respond to.

This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with politics. I do not object to immigration. On the contrary, I have worked with many very smart people who were born elsewhere. My objection is importing people into America that do not contribute to her success and are only a drain on our society.

Also, the reason for the protests are because this situation is just WRONG. These people are not coming here because they want a new life, they are coming here to get away from their old life. They will bring the same passive attitudes and the same acceptance of poverty that they came from. They will not learn the language and they will form tribes. Don't believe me, look at LA and Miami.

America is broken and broke, we cannot absorb the influx of illegal aliens that the streaming across the border, nor should we be forced to. If the Obama Administration won't do anything about it, then protests are the next step. I am proud of those protesters and hope it spreads across America. If this is indeed a "Federal" law enforcement issue, then let them set up housing and not just pass it off to some nameless town so they can create a humanitarian disaster. My suspicion is that this is what they are trying to do, sacrifice this batch of criminal children so others in the future will be easier forced upon American society. Obama is taking the long view, and the protesters are refusing to accept it.

A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson