Let's take a look at some unbiased calculations:
- A study by the the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office that found the immigration reform bill would shrink the deficit by $197 billion over the next decade.
- A study by the Brookings Institution's Hamilton Project that found an increase in immigrant workers may lead to a boost in wages for U.S-born workers.
The majority of the American people appear behind such a change as well. Some 75 percent of Americans say that granting undocumented immigrants legal status would be good for the economy, Pew Research reported in June.
Undocumented Immigrants Would Pay Billions More In Taxes If Allowed To Work Legally: Study Undocumented Immigrants' State and Local Tax Contributions (So much for the "deadbeat" canard... wait, thank you for that contribution,
Improving Lives, Strengthening Finances: The Benefits of Immigration Reform to Social Security (" If undocumented immigrants acquire legal status and citizenship, they will contribute far more to the Social Security system than they will take out and will strengthen the solvency of Social Security over the next 36 years.")
Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States ("Economic activity produced by illegal immigrant spending employs about 5% of the total US workforce.")
UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS IN TEXAS: A Financial Analysis of the Impact to the State Budget and Economy ("The Texas State Comptroller reported in 2006 that the 1.4 million illegal immigrants in Texas alone added almost $18 billion to the state's budget, and paid $1.2 billion in state services they used.")