Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
Originally Posted by Scoutgal
Originally Posted by california rick
Militia group heading to Texas border

Absolutely no one could have seen this coming. What could possibly go wrong? coffee

The people are in buses, and most are women and children. What is there to guard against? I'm thinking that it is time to shut these in-denial cowboys up in jail. rolleyes

So, civil disobedience is a crime and illegal immigration in the hundreds of thousands is just what, a blip? A anomaly? Less of a crime than civil disobedience? I think it is time for people to reassess their idea of what is and isn't acceptable. Or, if I may ask, does politics make everything negotiable?

Peaceful civil disobedience is perfectly fine-Trying to threaten and intimidate with firearms is not. And you know that there will be some trigger happy cowboy that is going to want to shoot off more than his/her mouth. If you don't, you are very naive. Or in denial. If I am on public property, or doing a legal act and someone points a gun at me, I consider that an attempted assault at best or attempted murder at worst-unless the idiot with the gun is stupid enough to shoot. Especially since the militia person has no authority whatsoever.

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.