Refugees are usually associated with parts of a population crossing over a border to seek safety. In this case the "refugees" crossed multiple borders to reach a destination.
They ARE seeking safety, and they're crossing multiple borders because they're coming from multiple originating points.
These aren't drug mules or criminals. Average age is about nine to eleven. And many of them are gravely ill.
The idea that the Democratic Party is supposedly engaged in some dark mysterious conspiracy is laughable.
Do you ever read your posts aloud to yourself in a mirror?
Try it sometime, or better yet, read them to someone you know.
This is a scam, a setup. It is a way for the Democratic Administration to create a humanitarian crisis and form some kind of a political opinion favorable to the White House.
Point to the funding sources, please.
No, not the funding for the DNC, the funding for the violence which these kids are fleeing. Which administration operative would that be, Tim? Give me a timeline, even an approximate one.
But, since you are sympathetic to their cause, why don't you accept delivery of a dozen at your house? It would be the "politically correct" thing to do.
It's called TAXES. That's the price we pay.
The solution to this refugee crisis is for our country to stop creating the kind of corrupt dictatorial governments that spawn these conditions, to stop importing cocaine into the USA via our CIA, and to fix our broken immigration system.
I can't help it you are incapable of comprehending a twenty or thirty year historical cycle. The fact is, most events of significant historical importance happen in cycles like that because that's about the length of time each generation exercises its peak influence on a society.
Unless and until we become willing to adopt long range insight into the effects of our decision making process in the foreign policy arena, we as a species will continue being liable for mistakes made by previous generations. The sins of the fathers, Tim...the sins of the fathers.
Do you like apples?
Well, these apples fell from trees planted by the fathers of modern neoconservative policy, how do ya like them apples?