Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
Mexico has guard towers with machine guns on their southern border

Excuse me but now you're venturing off into something you apparently know little or nothing about, sir.

Mexico has few if ANY guard towers, WE have the guard towers, WE have the machine guns.

And the border is as porous as a worn out kitchen sponge from one end to the other. The fence is nowhere near complete, the towers that WE have installed do not cover the entire border, and our border patrol is undermanned.

The US southern border is not the problem, it's the no man's land in between, both south of the border and north of it.
South of it, bribes and intimidation by the cartels effectively neutralize any attempt by Mexico to deal with it.
Border crossing and human trafficking forms the ENTIRE ECONOMY of ENTIRE Mexican TOWNS along the US Mexican border.

Please Tim, stick with what you know. You live in Massachusetts. Between my time in California and in Texas, traveling tens of thousands of miles a year and doing what I do, I have thirty years worth of knowledge and experience about the border situation.

You have "television".

Since I cannot locate the information, I will bow to your superior experience.

It really doesn't matter though, they do not belong here. They did not follow the rules and immigration laws for entry and if they want refugee status, then let Mexico give it to them. The idea that they traveled though Mexico to the US eliminates that status. A refugee seeks temporary help until they can return to their homes. Refugees cause issues wherever they locate because they are, invariably, either infiltrated and co-opted by gangs/armed insurgents or are sheltered in hastily created slums.

Send them back, let them fight for their homeland. If they are so easily run out of their home country, why would we want them here?

Immigrants don't belong here? Then pack up your belongings and go back to your ancestors' country of origin. The Native Americans surely did not ask y'all to be here. Yet, your ancestors came here(no passports, visas or invitations), and took the land and marginalized the native population. How does it feel to have the moccasin on the other foot?

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Pluck the beam out of your won eye, before trying to remove the splinter from others.

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.