Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
Actually, they followed the accepted laws of the land. Back then, might made right. The Indians of that time fought over land and the right to hold that land. 300 years later, the rules have changed and, I guess, might is less right than is turning a blind eye.

This situation is going to explode, although I do have a suggestion. Dump them all in Detroit and see what they can make for themselves. See if they can compete with the actual Americans who have no choice but to stay there. It could become a new reality show, Aliens versus Predator, Detroit. Hell, I might even pay per view that one.

Well, now according to your logic, might makes right was the order of the day when the Europeans came to North America. So then illegal immigrants are coming here, and then might be able to stay because of amnesty. That was a precedent set by your precious Ronald Reagan. And if the GOP wasn't so het up to cut off their noses to spite their faces, they would be at the forefront of immigration reform and welcome these immigrants in and assure themselves of new Republican voters. But the Tea Party faction(the new and improved John Birch Society/KKK) has the rest of the GOP by the short hairs and running scared. It is never good when a party lets the crazies drive the bus. BTW, The Bush Administration tried to use "might makes right" in Iraq and Afghanistan-so also by your logic, then the illegal immigrants can still do so.

And if you don't want immigrants here illegally, then start advocating to your congressional and Senatorial representatives that you want hefty monetary and criminal penalties for those(especially businesses and farms) that hire illegal immigrants. Put your money where your mouth is. If we dry up the demand, then we won't be getting them, since the economic opportunity shrank.

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.