Originally Posted by agnostic
from the church of ineffable stupidity:

A) Americans don't know how to read. (especially Fox News Viewers)
1 in 4 did not pick up a book in the last year. 1 in four claimed to read 4 books last year.

talk about the dumbing down of America.

So, folks, how many books have you read in the last year?

Pastor Ag? Martha and I have a book review page on this very web site -- actually Martha's Page but I contribute. I'm too busy reading to count -- but you can. (wink - wink)

I tried to look up the water event you mentioned but couldn't find it. I'm glad you're safe. I drove under a tornado right before it touched down that went on to kill 22 people within one mile. Tornado of 1989 Each time a monster has hit our town, they seem to travel corridors, usually east - west roads. The one in 1989 traveled up a road called Airport Road, jumped Garth Mountain and came back down in Jones Valley to destroy a school and houses there before skipping off into the county to do more damage.


Where ever you go, there you are!