from the church of INEFFABLE STUPIDITY:

A) FROM THE "If the message sucks, change the messenger" FILE.

For the Pentagon, getting out Iraq information will now include a 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week Iraq Communications Desk that will pump out data from Baghdad _ serving as what could be considered a campaign war room.

The Pentagon dismissed suggestions that the communications desk will be a message machine or propaganda tool, and instead said it is being set up to gather and distribute information from eight time zones away in a more efficient and timely manner.
"I would not characterize it as a war room," Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said Friday. "It's far less sinister than that. It's more like a library."

Yeah, and Hiroshima was slightly stronger than a solar storm. The Titanic sprung a minor leak. Pearl Harbor was a tiny bump in the road. Bill O'Rarely treats women with the the ultimate of respect. Just a library.

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B) IraqNam
Let's see, Bush wants Maliki gone,
Then, after Democrats pounce on that as a sign of political failure in Iraq
Bush supports Maliki.
A group of Bush deep pockets want Maliki gone, and push
Alawi as the new dictator.
The Nat. Intel Est. admits the surge is a political failure and fiasco, but, like every good burro-cratic report, says militarily, when 29,000 heavily armed people venture into a small area, with air support, artillery and spy satellites, that one area tends to react in a predictable way. and that is how you spell success in IraqNam.

"There was never a good war or a bad peace."

Benjamin Franklin