I'm up late because we are having a terrific "light" show but still only getting about three drops of rain.

In ironies of irony, a thunderstorm settled over a little area in Winston County (Winston County actually seceded from the Confederacy during the War Between the States). It rained so hard so fast that the National Weather Service had to issue a flash flood warning. Here we are parched throughtout the south and we had to have a flash flood warming. Wasn't there a movie called "The Gods Must Be Laughing"?

Steve, so glad things turned out well for your wife. I don't need to say this I'm certain, but it would be a good idea to have one of those emergency kits for future allergy reactions.

John, one of my foster sons, is married to Heather who is very allergic to nuts. John was out at an event and ate a brownie with nut ingredients. He came home and kissed Heather on the cheek. A little detective work was necessary to discover the reason Heather had a break-out on her cheek.

Storming and now comes a little rain....


Where ever you go, there you are!