Laura Durkay
The Washington Post
October 2, 2014

A blonde, white Red Riding Hood lost in a forest of faceless Muslim wolves: This is how "Homeland's" creators have chosen to represent their show as it begins its fourth season, which sees CIA officer Carrie Mathison stationed in Pakistan. It is also the perfect encapsulation of everything that's wrong with this show.

Since its first episode, "Homeland," which returns Sunday, has churned out Islamophobic stereotypes as if its writers were getting paid by the cliché. Yet the show, created by "24" veterans Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa and former Israeli paratrooper Gideon Raff, continues to rack up awards, critical praise and millions of viewers...

The entire structure of "Homeland" is built on mashing together every manifestation of political Islam, Arabs, Muslims and the whole Middle East into a Frankenstein-monster global terrorist threat that simply doesn't exist...