That's because the Big Ten were written by Moses for his fellow Jewish tribesmen long before Jesus came on the scene with all his "brotherly love" ideas. Those Jews were a hard people, much invested in ideas like wiping out whole populations because they chose another God, or killing you neighbor because he gave you the stink eye. "An eye for an eye" was all about just punishments, versus killing the guy you took out your eye.

Jesus is the one who came up with turning the other cheek, when your enemy strikes you.

But back to the Atheist Commandments, I think 7 covers eveything in 8, and actually should be number 1. (That's the Golden Rule one.) And I think that's exactly where Jesus put it, assuming you don't believe in God.

Also I'm not so sure about number 5: Why do you need to even mention God in the Atheist's Commandments? We really are already operating under the assumption that we don't need God if we are writing Atheist Commandments!

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