can anyone provide an honest and detailed summary of the top ten GOP policies
It seems that a "policy" would require Repubikkkans to be in favor of something. They don't stand for anything; they are only against anything and everything that progressives might approve of. Since we are generally in favor of things that would help Americans they must be against anything that would help Americans.

Affordable healthcare? Against.
Equal rights for LGBT folks? Against.
Equal pay for women? Against
Rebuilding infrastructure? Against
Increased minimum wage? Against.
Better services for Veterans? Against
Immigration reform? Against
Assistance for the needy? Against
Net Neutrality? Against
Drug reform? Against.
Women's health issues? Against.
Animal rights? Against
Addressing global climate change? Against
Separation of church and state? Against
Normalizing relations with Cuba? Against

A few of the things they've come out in favor of recently include:
Police Brutality
Economic inequality
Perpetual war
White supremacy

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...