You're sorely needed at Geta's.
Feel free to steal anything you want from me. I honestly don't have the energy to pursue a lot of direct confrontation with Conservatives.
Their politics is like religion to them; entirely faith based with little or no regard for facts or logic.
Some of the kindest, most generous, and hard working people I know are Republicans. Yet they have fallen for a political ideology that is almost cult like. Not inherently racist but will invariably take the racist side of any political issue. Poor Republicans who desperately need more money will vote for candidates who do not support a minimum wage hike, even as corporations are raking in huge profits and could easily afford to pay more. They don't hate women but again will pick the anti woman candidate and cite Christian values to support this.
Small Government? Puhleeeeease! This is the largest economy in the world. We have the largest military in the world. We have 325 MILLION citizens. Small government is NOT an option, we are a huge country and require a huge government to administer it and a huge amount of money to finance all that must be done. We have City, County, and State governments to handle the small stuff. The Free Market is a wonderful thing but business is designed to make money and would gladly work employees to death in the mindless pursuit of profit. Child labor, wage theft, 60 hour work weeks for a pittance, dangerous working conditions, pollution and degradation of the environment. Without government regulation all these things have existed in the past and with de-regulation have once more become rampant. Yet Republicans invariably side with business. Falsely assuming that if business is good workers will be paid better and everyone will live a better life. What we are seeing today is a rising tide that does not float all boats, only the yachts are rising with the tide while millions of leaky rowboats are bailing like crazy and sinking to the bottom in ever deeper water.
Leaky Republican boats are bailing along with everyone else but at the same time are cheering on the yachtsmen. **Facepalm**