breitbart shell game-----the rand paul edition
ok, so i saw this headline and was wondering what the heck was going on.
Standing Ovation: Rand Paul Blows Away Liberal Black Audience with Conservative Message At Bowie State - Breitbart rand paul discovered some magic elixir that turns him into a pied piper of liberals and minorities? what d'ya think?
well it looks pretty convincing from the breitbart puff piece. but maybe there is more?
well if you do a google news search on rand paul. you find a slew of initiatives from the paul campaign aimed at positioning paul as a candidate who can appeal to the non republican demographics. young. minority. millennials. etc. so this all falls into place.
as a crafted public relations campaign.
but still
what about the enthusiastic reception for paul. standing ovations from minorities and liberals. wtf?
well that required. going to the video on cspan i began to notice was he was speaking in a pretty small room
not exactly packing the students in even there
but on the occasions that the camera panned across the audience
what you start to see is almost no black student faces
lots of white faces. senior citizens. and the students you mostly see there are white and wearing red rand paul t shirts
so while the speech was given at a historically black university
that appears to have been a staged and stage managed performance