The US Open was "very local" for me. The "Blue Lot" for parking is about 3 blocks from my house, in the park where I exercise my dog. I was thrilled that Jordan Spieth's caddie, Michael Grellers, is
literally a local boy. It is a truly great story:
How a middle school math teacher became Jordan Spieth’s caddie. I watched the transformation of the gravel pit to golf course myself, and one of my favorite bicycle/motorcycle rides has always been up Chambers Creek Road and along Grandview Drive which runs above it. When I first moved here it was actually a huge 200+ foot mound that was gradually eaten away at to provide roadbed around the region. Most of the sand in the traps is native.
I'm with you regarding the deliberate move away from "perfect/country club" courses. The community course that I learned to golf on had "
sand greens". Talk about tough putting! Sadly, my golf game has not improved significantly over the 35 years since. I do, however, love me some golf cart. I love the walk, when I have wheels and a deserted course, but my game takes so long because everyone plays through while I zigzag down the fairway...