Originally Posted by Greger
I've never worked much with tapioca flour. We used it a little bit at a Thai restaurant I worked at once but I don't even remember what for. I'll be picking up some soon. They look similar to gougères which are a French pastry made with pâte àchoux. The same dough you would make cream puffs or profiteroles with but with added cheese. Gougères come out mostly hollow and are delicious. They can also be piped full of cheese filling just like you would pipe pastry filling into a cream puff.

The tapioca is better, I think. Some folks use manioc (yuka) flour instead. And you can get a cheese spread and inject that after they are baked, but still warm. You OD on cheese but I guess that is the point. smile

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."