Stuff like this amazes. The United States is noted for being one of the most religious countries in the world. We used to control such. It used to be that any preacher who preached politics simply lost their tax exempt status. The laws on politics and tax exempt status are quite clear - its just not allowed. Well, it used to be but no longer.

What is even possibly more interesting is that most of this is passed off as 'Christian'. As far as I can tell this kind of stuff has little or nothing to do with Christ. What it does seem to have a lot to do with is the Old Testament. If you have studied the Old Testament you will find you can make a case for either side of just about anything you can think of. There are three religions which revere the old testament; Islam, Pentecostal/Evangelicals, and conservative Jews. I have included the Pentecostal/Evangelicals, mainly, because they do not seem to be exactly high on forgiveness and a loving God (personal opinion). Christ, for instance, was pretty much all about forgiveness, love, etc.

Anyway, the current crop of religious elected, seem determined to tell the rest of us how to live according to their lights. They also seem to have been able to turn around the laws that have served us so well for so long. I fear we are, probably, on what can only be thought of as a long, slippery slope to perdition - oh, with a lot of help for those who claim the exact opposite.