Originally Posted by logtroll
Caption under a photo of a fairly normal looking guy in the article:
Musa Cerantonio, an Australian preacher reported to be one of the Islamic State’s most influential recruiters, believes it is foretold that the caliphate will sack Istanbul before it is beaten back by an army led by the anti-Messiah, whose eventual death— when just a few thousand jihadists remain—will usher in the apocalypse.
Referring over to the "Consciousness: brain function, or more?" topic, this fits into my fanciful metaphor where humans are the cells of a greater organism; and that these unhinged, crazy mofos are cancer cells - they do not function for the good of the organism.

Somehow in their peculiar state of consciousness they are viewing apocalyptic B-grade movies on their inner synaptic Big Screens. All the RightWingNuts live in the same sort of dystopian fantasy worlds. A vaccine is needed.

Not a vaccine, a surgical removal of the cancerous cells. Extirpation by scalpel. Or radiation?

"The liberals can understand everything but people who don't understand them."
Lenny Bruce

"The cleverest of all, in my opinion, is the man who calls himself a fool at least once a month."