Here is your foreign secret Muslim “president” Barry HUSSEIN Soetoro O’Bama, saying some sounds about how “refugees” are not the same thing as “terrorists.” As if! That’s exactly what he would say, isn’t it? If he didn’t really love America and want to keep it safe from Them.

Most of the refugees are Muslim and Muslims are terrorists, and if we want to defeat the terrorists, we must declare a holy war on Islam. Jesus hu-Akbar!

Which is why, if we’re going to allow any so-called refugees into our country - they’d goddamned better be Christians. Everyone knows Christians are the good guys.

None of you faker types of "Christians." Don’t try to play-act like you’re a Christian unless you’ve told at least TWO Starbucks baristas that your name is Merry fvcking Christmas.

Your President, BAMZ!!:

America is in real bad shape when President Obama is invoking George W. Bush as a model of moral courage and leadership. But that’s where “we” are today.

Contrarian, extraordinaire