Dennis Prager?!? Isn't he the conservative family value guy who has two kids - one each from a different baby mama AND has been married three times? Yeah...he knows a thing or two about being correct.
The left's reactions to the terror attack on Paris are in keeping with its tradition of getting almost everything wrong.
See above - Dennis Prager...enough said.
Take Bernie Sanders, for example. At the Democratic presidential debate, one day after the Paris attack, the democratic socialist candidate made this observation about al-Qaida.
Iraqi Provisional Act No. 2 signed by L Paul Bremmer fired the Iraqi Army less than three months after we invaded Iraq. Those fired took their knowledge about guns and bad guys and went somewhere. Can you say ISIL? Dennis continues to show what a dumb ass he is...
...and how is ISIL funded? Oh perhaps that
$12 billion dollar pallet of $100 bills that the Bush Cabal watch vanish a year later in May 2004.