Pulled pork is way too easy to bother paying someone else to cook a cheap cut of meat for you. Even a small boneless Boston butt can be turned into amazing pulled pork. Put a good dry rub on it and pop it into a 200 degree oven for 6 hours. When the internal temp hits 185 turn the oven off wrap it in foil and let it sit in there another hour or so. Then put on rubber gloves and just pull it apart, shredding it with your hands as you go and discarding the fattier pieces.
When I do a 10-12 pound butt(actually the pig's shoulder) I put it in the oven at midnight and don't even check the internal temp until noon or later. Boston butts have a very high fat ratio which makes them perfect for very slow cooking. Fresh "Picnic Hams" are also good like this, Picnics are essentially the bicep and shoulder joint. A Boston butt contains the shoulder blade. A "Ham" is the pigs thigh bone and muscle.
A magical thing happens when it hits 200 degrees, collagen, the main connective tissue turns into gelatin and you have extremely moist tender meat.

Doesn't work for a crown roast though, Scout, they are mostly pork tenderloin and contain very little fat so the meat dries out if you cook it too slowly.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...