It's so nice to see familiar faces on here. RR and CHB were such a big part of my life for so many years, until my own life just got crazier with all my husband's increasing medical needs and my slide into retirement. Even though I didn't stop by as often as I used to, the one constant was Donna. She somehow searched me out on FB, and was a constsnt presence with her family events and corny jokes. We shared an aniversary date...Feb. 20th. I'm headed for my 45th, as she was going towards her 35th. I will miss that little congratulatory greeting each year, just as I will miss everything about her. She was a constant reminder of the genuine goodness in people. RIP, Scoutgal...keep them laughing on the other side.

Last edited by SuZQ; 12/12/15 10:55 PM.