Kentuckians are going to pay dearly for this, but it didn't have to be this way. Polls showed Conway with a clear lead and less engaged left leaning voters felt that they cold stay home and let others do their voting for them. The same could happen in the coming Presidential election. Polls will be showing a safe Democratic lead, Millions of people will see this and think it's a done deal. Republicans don't think this way. They are angry and scared and will come out in droves to vote for any candidate, good or bad, with an R beside his name.
Greger I keep saying EXACTLY what you just said above but even here on RR people are saying "It's in the bag" or "Hillary will BE the next President".
They're forgetting that the Republican Party of today is AN ARMY and they do what Democrats SHOULD be doing each and every election, city, local, county, state and NATIONAL.