If the Republicans put up a candidate that does not come off as bat sh*t crazy I suspect Hillary, and much of the nation, is going to get a little shock. Lets see, who doesn't vote; the poor, the young, minorities, the lazy, and the stupid. Who gets screwed, lets see; the poor, the young, minorities, the lazy, and the stupid.
On the entertainment side, however, I suspect that there will be many out there marching for stuff like rights, voting, fairness, etc. Probably; the poor, the young, minorities, the lazy, and the stupid.
How does it go; "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink". You can also point out, to the poor, the young, minorities, the lazy, and the stupid that if they do not vote they WILL get screwed over. Seems to make, exactly, no difference <sigh>.