Originally Posted by Ken Condon
but it’s the blockbuster model itself that will spell out the demise of the Hollywood film industry
Martha and I greatly enjoy “small movies”. Those with a story line, character development, and actor interactions. Recently the film Nebraska comes to mind but there are others. Hollywood has indeed been co-opted by the blockbuster spectacle model that mostly relies on loud noises and special effects.

I do know that our generation longs for these types of small films but I am not sure if the market supports it. And it’s all about the bottom line--no?

The indie model is workable but indies still rely upon the majors to do the distribution, so they run into trouble there.
The majors don't like giving up revenue to indies, so it's a game of cat and mouse.

Eventually the internet outlets like Netflix, Hulu, Crackle and Amazon are going to wind up annexing the indies altogether.

The majors don't realize it yet but their dependence upon "tentpole" franchises and blockbusters may end up making them far too specialized a species to survive once China starts flexing its muscles.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD