People tend to forget the bombing of the Oklahoma City Bombing of the federal building "". Its generally agreed that McVeigh didn't do it all on his own and there were a lot more people involved than just those caught. The other assumptions is that this was motivated, and carried out, by homegrown religious maniacs. strange thing about OUR terrorists is that they all seem to be politically to the Right and not the Left. In other words, if you pay attention to the current nonsense being spouted by the Righteous Right, you will hear it all.
There is also the argument as to whether McVeigh was really a Christian. I suspect this is a silly argument. The problem is that "Christian" is never really defined. I believe most of these folks are Old Testament 'Christians', ie. not Christians at all, in any real sense. I am basing this thought on the simple fact that, when they quote scripture, its inevitably the Old Testament.
A current example of home growed terrorism, the Bundy thing is interesting. This is a guy who people think is not particularly bright. This, in the face of the simple fact that he has been about to graze over 1000 head of cattle for free on federal (tax payer) land for free for over 20 years! This guy praises the Lord and the Constitution. He has also been convicted in a court of law not just once but several times and seems to have skated each time. We have terrorists because, if they are ours, I guess its all right? cannot resist. I also find it interesting that these people share the reverence, for the Old Testament, with Islam which has, obviously, spawned their very own group of terrorists. Its of interest, I think, that the current term "terrorist" defines people who tend to kill and blame it all on God.
I also tend to believe that "Christians" don't contain their own terrorists any better than Islam does, or, I expect, any other religions spawning terrorists. Hindus have theirs as do the saintly and spiritual Buddhists. You can google all this stuff.